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Department of Veteran Affairs


The best care

Our team of Podiatrists at Pinnacle Podiatry are registered to provide treatment for Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) clients. We are able to treat gold card holders for any condition, and white card holders with an approved foot or leg specific concern. A valid Doctors referral must be presented at the time of the first appointment for both gold and white card holders.


After the first and final visit in a clients care plan, the treating Podiatrist will update the clients Doctor on the care and progress made through the duration of the treatment plan. Gold Card White Card Bulk Billed Department of Veteran Affairs clients with a gold card must have a doctor’s GP referral to attend the clinic for a consultation.


All treatments and services are covered with a gold card for Podiatry care. Gold card holders are provisioned to have up to twelve appointments with a Podiatrist per doctor’s referral.

Write to Vanessa Kao

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